Traditional Asian Medicine & Acupuncture
Acupuncture involves treatment using gentle insertion of fine, sterile, disposable needles into specific points on the body called meridians to bring support a variety of symptoms from pain and PMS to tranquility. According to Traditional Asian Theory, acupuncture supports the healthy flow of "qi" or vital life energy to promote harmony across all meridians which is vital in this traditional art of healing and wellness.
Acupuncture is not painful since the needles are thin and most people feel a deep state of relaxation and well-being during and after treatment.
We offer treatment following the principals of Asian Medicine and Acupuncture for:
Acupuncture services provided by Dr Monique ND are provided & billed to insurance under Naturopathic Services.
Contact us for more Information.
Acupuncture is not painful since the needles are thin and most people feel a deep state of relaxation and well-being during and after treatment.
We offer treatment following the principals of Asian Medicine and Acupuncture for:
- General wellness
- Pre-conception support (also called "Fertility Acupuncture")
- Women's Wellness offering support for: healthy cycles, PMS, perimenopause
- Pain management & Injuries including back/neck/shoulder pain or injuries; arthritis; headaches; TMJ
- Digestive support
- Mental Wellness & Stress support
- Healthy blood pressure
- Facial rejuvenation acupuncture: improved complexion and youthful appearance (not applicable for direct-billing)
- We also offer needle-free acupressure options too!
Acupuncture services provided by Dr Monique ND are provided & billed to insurance under Naturopathic Services.
Contact us for more Information.
Curious if Naturopathic Medicine can help you?
Naturopathic Medicine Is covered by Many Extended-Health Insurance Benefits Plans.
We offer Direct-Billing to your insurance provider. Contact us for details.
We offer Direct-Billing to your insurance provider. Contact us for details.